The "Ketchup" Suprise

by Faith Marie
(Lima, Ohio)

I was babysitting a four year old boy and his sister, I went into the bathroom and all the sudden I heard a scream. I thought that they were just playing (as usual), and I remember locking all the doors. I heard the boy say "it's like ketchup." I thought they were messing in the fridge but as soon as I stepped out there was a trace of blood all the way across the floor. He was laughing but his finger made me want to throw up. His sister was screaming hysterically. I got a warm washrag and told him to hold it on his finger. The cut was deep because he got a hold of scissors and his sister sqeezed them on his finger. I quickly got him to stop bleeding and immediately called the parents. Just by my calling them made them not mad and understand that I was a responsible babysitter.

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May 17, 2013
hate seeing blood!
by: CC

When I babysat a family of 4 boys it seems like one of them bled every time I was over there. Sounds like you had the right idea about applying pressure and raising the wound above the head! Here's a good link for basic first aid:

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